Hypocrisy, Thy Name is Woman. There is an obvious disparity between what women often say they want, and what they are actually attracted to. Joe and Jason discuss the double talk nice guys have to deal when courting women. The threat of the “Friendzone” is real! Featuring audio excerpt from Mr. Plinkett's Attack of the Clones Review (part 2 of 3)
Mr. Plinkett's Attack of the Clones Review (part 2 of 3) - https://youtu.be/nq3Wlk2w-Zw
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Men behaving courteously toward women; holding the door for them, offering them their jackets when it's cold — is called chivalry. Many women consider...
There are many reasons why someone would choose not to get married! It may have to do with their own preferences, values or trauma...
In this era of the #MeToo movement, should women still expect men to always pay? How soon is too soon for a woman to...